Is Your Voice being heard?

At Make Voters Matter, we believe Democracy is more than just having the right to vote! Even China and Russia hold elections. You wouldn’t call them democracies, would you?

Democracy requires ALL Citizens to have both
True Representation and Equal Justice!

We also believe that citizens not yet 18 and those who didn’t vote still deserve to be represented!

Our Nation’s Founding Fathers dreamed of a country run by it’s Citizens, not by a ruling class nor political elites! For that reason, they set out to build a Democracy with a government of, by, and for “We the People!”

Our government was to have 3 branches. A Judicial Branch so we would be a Nation of “Law & Order.” An Executive Branch, with a Presidential Administrator who would oversee the running of the Country. And a Legislative Branch, consisting of Representatives of “We the People.” This was to ensure all citizens would have a voice in our new Democracy!

America and our President would be guided by the legislation and budgets decided on by a People’s Congress. It would consist of two chambers. The larger being called the “House of Representatives.” It was not to be a house of “Governors, Leaders, or even Intellectuals” providing elite solutions for our country, but instead where every citizen was to have a Voice! They directed it to have 1 Representative for every 30,000 Citizens (which was observed for the first 150 years). The smaller chamber called the “Senate,” gave each state 2 additional Representatives, so that every state would have an equal say regardless of their size. Much like a corporation, this Congressional “Board of Representative Directors” would determine the course for our Nation while our Presidential CEO would handle its administration.

245 years later…

Since the 1920’s, our representation has slowly dwindled to a mere 1/25th of what the Founding Fathers instructed. Today, each Congressman represents over 750,000 citizens! Making matters worse, our government has been entirely taken over by powerful Elites and our Political Parties are unwittingly adding to the problem. Using dirty attack ads and divisive issues, political campaigns are dividing our country and destroying what faith people have left in their government.  Meanwhile, partisan gridlock in Congress prevents the passing of any meaningful legislation in favor of the average citizen.

We are living in a Plutocracy run by the Wealthy Elite!

After the ballots have been counted, writing letters, making phone calls, and marching in protests has little influence on how our government is run. Average Americans simply cannot afford a voice in government, while the biggest funders of political campaigns reap the rewards of favorable legislation helping them to further increase their wealth. This is how big money and lobbyists have slowly and completely hijacked our Representation. Now they are even going after our right to vote!

Isn’t it time that “We the People” had a better way of being heard?

In 2018, Richard Kenski founded the non-partisan organization Make Voters Matter to help to end political corruption and restore our representation. To achieve this goal we support candidates who pledge in writing to make their top priority Representing their Constituents and must also commit to enacting anti-corruption legislation. In 2021, MVM had 38 candidates running for the Virginia legislation make that written pledge. Now in 2022, we are launching a new campaign to empower Constituent Voices!

Finally, a guaranteed way to make your Voice Heard!

Why should anyone have to compete with Corporate Lobbyists and out of state donors for the ear of their own representatives? These Advisory Groups are for Constituents only! And no more wondering if your representative heard your voice. Through the anonymous voting of concerned constituents, the public will be able to see the consensus of how the district wanted their representative to vote. There is an Advisory Group for each category of legislation. Choose only those issues that matter to you. No need to write postcards, emails or make calls. Verified constituents will be guaranteed to have a voice! Get ready to show the rest of our great nation how to have a Truly Representative Government in the 21st Century!

Click here to Join a group today!

NOTE: Depending on proposed legislation, once or twice a month (starting in Nov. 2022), group members will receive an email containing a voting link so they can cast “Yea,” “Nay,” or abstain on actual bills coming up before Congress. ALL voting will be anonymous. Any information collected will only be used for administering these Congressional Accountability Groups. Personal data will NEVER be shared with other groups or individuals. Numerical results of all voting will be available to the public and shared with elected representatives.

Please send any questions or comments about this program to or Text (202) 262-5693